It is a long time since I updated this website or posted a blog but plenty has been happening. Regular local housing jobs, self-builds and retrofits, a few large non domestic Passivhaus building projects and a steady stream of archive and storage-buildings.
Alongside my main work I join a team of other practitioners to deliver training in high performance building as part of the Community Interest Company, Coaction CIC. The same team (with a few new members) previously operated under the Carbonlite banner and we have been delivering this training for about 15 years now.
What differentiates us from others providing similar courses is that all the trainers are currently working on a wide range of live projects as architects, engineers, energy consultants and builders. This brings up-to-date practical experience to the teaching and in return the students bring their own knowledge and questioning which helps the trainers and fellow students to find new solutions and deeper understanding of how to make better buildings.
Many of the same team are also responsible for writing guidance, how-to guides and case studies for the UK Passivhaus Trust. These documents are free to download from the Trust’s website.
Whilst I miss the face to face teaching, Zoom has made the training accessible for a lot more people. Perhaps we will see you on a course in 2025? Details and pricing on the Coaction website or call the team to speak to a person.