Water Efficiency and Wastewater Treatment

Although originally known for our work with wastewater treatment and water efficiency we now focus on building design and energy efficiency.

Water Efficiency

AECB-Water-Standardsconserving water in buildings

The Resource pages include free documents containing information on best practice. The AECB Water Standards and the Environment Agency document Saving Water In Buildings cover most aspects.

‘Probably the best value consultancy work I have ever paid for. Quick clear and thoughtful.’ – Architect Robert Prewett on water efficiency advice for Midmore Road Enerphit retrofit.

Dry Compost Toilets

urine diverting composting toiletIn 2005 with Andrew Warren and I set up NatSol to manufacture state of the art waterless toilets designed for allotments, churches and all sites without mains services.

Trench Arch Sewage Treatment for Churches

Trench arch sewage treatment for a rural church toiletThe Trench Arch was a spin-off from a 3 year R&D project which looked into sludge-free domestic sewage treatment. Raw effluent from a single WC discharges into a carefully constructed culvert which acts as a vermicomposting filter bed.